Making Grants Ours: Decolonizing Grant Writing Strategies & Tactics.
In October of 2021 DAISA partnered with client Food System 6 to present a dynamic and interactive webinar. This webinar shared a brief history of grants in the United States and provided strategies and tactics for applying to and winning grants while also working to make the system more just and equitable for all.
In 2017, the Equitable Food Oriented Development (EFOD) Collaborative invited DAISA to support drafting a body of work that would encompass the collaborative's collective understanding of this newly-defined development strategy. DAISA conducted an in-depth field scan and analysis researching over 800 organizations throughout the United States. The 2019 Brown Paper was created to document and define this unique and powerful practitioner-led EFOD framework.
Wholesome Wave engaged DAISA Enterprises in 2020 to conduct a national scan of Produce Prescription Programs to further the evidence-base and policy-change potential for investment in food & health systems through the produce prescription model. Released in June 2021, this research report documents the reach and complexity of programs across the country, field-wide themes, collective resources, program operator challenges, innovations, and needs from across the past 10 years and presently.
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In August 2020 DAISA co-hosted along with the Wallace Center’s Food Systems Leadership Network a national webinar exploring the intersection of arts, culture, and food systems. Over 150 webinar participants heard from Ka Oskar Ly from ArtCrop and Brandi Turner from SippCulture and discussed strategies for developing arts-infused food systems within their community. Our ongoing reality of the COVID-19 crisis and struggles for racial justice illuminate how artistic and cultural practices are more critical than ever in envisioning and realizing resilient food systems.
cultivating community across the country
From 2015-2021 DAISA served as the National Program Office for the Kresge Foundation Fresh, Local, & Equitable (FreshLo) initiative to support and accelerate local efforts that successfully use food as a platform for health, economic development, creative placemaking and cultural expression in low-income urban communities. DAISA provided strategic guidance, operations, convening facilitation, and capacity building for a cohort of 26 grantee partners across the country.
CULTIVATING Creativity: exploring arts & culture in community food systems transformation
DAISA was selected in 2018 by ArtPlace America as a research partner to examine the role of arts & culture in the agriculture and food sectors nationally. Published in May 2019, this field scan report explores how arts and cultural practices can be better leveraged to create equitable and place-based food systems change across the country - spanning rural, tribal, and urban settings. In March 2019, DAISA also convened a working group of over 40 practitioners, funders, and policymakers to engage with emerging research themes and inform field recommendations.
Healthy food fund
In 2015, the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation launched the Healthy Food Fund - a three-year initiative aimed at examining the impact of small but strategic investments in local fresh food organizations on improving access to healthy food for low- and middle-income households in New England. DAISA, as the Learning & Evaluation partner, led efforts to ensure a dynamic exchange of ideas, techniques and actionable lessons learned.
hunger and Obesity in the USA: a survey of solutions
This is a report DAISA produced for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA). The scope of inquiry included exploring key trends and areas of (non-policy focused) innovation currently addressing US hunger alleviation and obesity reduction, framing opportunities and risks, and identifying emergent patterns, success drivers and key players.