This online toolbox was created to support Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation's Healthy Food Fund grantees with additional evaluation tools and frameworks. These optional tools represent additional ways for your organization to collect data and the articles provide additional information about evaluation. The selected evaluation tools are tested, validates and sometimes even evidence-based by a credible array of foundations and organizations. We have also created a "Communications" section for materials from HPHCF to support this aspect of the Healthy Food Fund work - see below.
As we learn together throughout the year we will add additional materials and tools to help build capacity and address specific grantee needs and interests as they arise.
Contact information for the Healthy Food Fund evaluation team:
[email protected]
Thank you for your enthusiasm and best wishes with your work,
Daniel Ross, Principal, DAISA
Christa Drew, Consultant, DAISA
Catherine Sands, Director, Fertile Ground
This online toolbox was created to support Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation's Healthy Food Fund grantees with additional evaluation tools and frameworks. These optional tools represent additional ways for your organization to collect data and the articles provide additional information about evaluation. The selected evaluation tools are tested, validates and sometimes even evidence-based by a credible array of foundations and organizations. We have also created a "Communications" section for materials from HPHCF to support this aspect of the Healthy Food Fund work - see below.
As we learn together throughout the year we will add additional materials and tools to help build capacity and address specific grantee needs and interests as they arise.
Contact information for the Healthy Food Fund evaluation team:
[email protected]
Thank you for your enthusiasm and best wishes with your work,
Daniel Ross, Principal, DAISA
Christa Drew, Consultant, DAISA
Catherine Sands, Director, Fertile Ground
Business Management Tools
Collective Impact Models of Food Systems Change
Farming Concrete, Data Collection Toolkit
Healthy Food Fund Webinar March 16, 2016
Healthy Food Fund Webinar April 27, 2016
Participatory Evaluation Defined
Photo Voice - How To
Rapid Market Dot Survey
Story Spine
Whole Measures Evaluation Approach for Community Food Systems
Tips on Pitching Media